Objednávka tiskových služeb z RD č. 1/2023 pro HZS Zlínského kraje

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail458824. 02. 2023RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.1 233 655,501 019 550,001 233 655,501 019 550,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailRICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.Praha1 233 655,501 019 550,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

4588202427 453,9722 689,23
4588202419 841,4816 397,92
4588202417 704,1814 631,55
4588202419 142,2215 820,02
4588202419 674,7616 260,13
4588202421 811,0418 025,65
4588202420 789,6417 181,52
4588202425 366,1720 963,78
4588202420 412,9916 870,24
4588202318 481,4715 273,94